I haven't had much time for drawing lately, but here are some sketches I did a while ago while re-watching Conan the Barbarian for the 50th time. They look a bit somber to me. I still feel weird drawing men, so it's harder to loosen up. I'm also just rusty from not drawing for myself lately.
Thulsa Doom and Conan in his little cultist getup.
These ones are actually from Conan the Destroyer, cause I couldn't find my copy of Conan the Barbarian and got desperate.

Rexor. I love this guy.
There's been a trend lately to use the app Instagram to take photos of your drawings, and add filters to them. It seems a bit like cheating, but the results just look cooler, and I can't help but wanna do it.
Conan's ma.
Cultist princess lady.
Oh, and here's a bonus Khaleesi. Who here loves Game of Thrones??
Hi Katie
Those Conan are awesome, and Kalheesi is just adorable. I love the rounded... whatcha call it? It's not the jaw line, it's the... face-neck-meat? Anyway, it's very apt. No one really draws rounded face-neck-meats, and they should
Hope it's not all that bad a time lately or that things'll get better
keep drawing, it's fab
Whoa, I'd love to see more Game of Thrones doodles from you. That Khaleesi is super cute!
How about those past two episodes? Holy crap!!!
I'd LOVE to see more GoT art from you :3.
LUV UUUUMMMMMM! Luvum! All the awesomeness -- the smart likenesses and the make-up and costumes and cartooniness and the things.
(GoT is all well and good, but is there a Red Sonja DVD sitting amidst the Conans...?)
love all of these! such nice lines :)
You say you're not good at drawing men but your Conans are really good. I can't seem to be able to draw muscle-y arms and big, hulking men though. :/
You are being too hard on yourself Katie these are awesome and I think these are a little better than last time.
Really awesome sketches Katie! I particularly like the first Thulsa Doom sketch - really captured the eerie stare he had.
Thanks guys! I definitely want to do some more GoT drawings!
Tom- Yeah, I agree! That little bit of under jaw pudge can be really cute on the right person. In real life no one wants that, but it's cute when it's on someone else.
Jesse- Ha ha, yeah, Red Sonja would be very fun to draw...maybe that'll be next!
Awesome as always Katie!
Well, yes, they do look more realistic, and not very cartoony. BUT they do look very solid and organic looking.
Excellent drawings, Katie. I always appreciate a blog post from you.
KALEEEEEEESSSSSIIIII! I've been waiting for you to do your take on her, Katie!!!
No matter how finished your drawings are, sketches like these I'll always consider sublime.
awesome!!!:)i need your art to live
Those "conans" are marvellous. The profile with conan holding the flowers is so funny!
Woo, Katie!! I LOVE YOUR NEW DRAWINGS!!!!!!!! You are such an inspiration!!! (ps, Happy Birthday Katie!!!!!!!!) :D
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