There's Hermione (Emma Watson)...

Lavender Brown (Jessie Cave)...

...and a whole bunch of Ginnie Weasley (Bonnie Wright).

Luna Lovegood, played by Evanna Lynch, is one of my favorite HP characters, so I drew her quite a bit (and named my cat after her as well).

Here's one of Bellatrix, played by Helena Bonham Carter. (Boooooo!)

I have more Harry Potter fan art, but I did those a couple years later so I'll post them separately.
Hey Katie, I just read your blog that you lost all your old pics. I'm a big fan of your work, and I went through this blog once, a long time ago, saving pretty much everything on it. It's in my artist-inspiration folder. If there's anything from here you still don't have, let me know I probably have it - if you posted it, I should have it. Love your work, and your style! Keep it up!
I remember these, especially the Ginny Weaseley ones and the Luna Lovegood ones!
I'm still amazed at what you can do with some pens and Markers, though *_*
lav lav lav these!!
So cute and amazing!!
Awesome. Caricaturing young women is really tricky I find. Ladies don't tend to have as many wrinkles and furrows to play with. Emma, Jessie and Bonnie #2 are the most spot-on.
I agree with Steve, girls can be tricky to caricature, especially if you want to maintain appeal. But these are all fantastic! Bellatrix and the Lunas particularly nail the essence of the characters.
i was so worried that you might have lost these! really glad they're back up online!
I <3 these!
Thanks everyone!
T Arthur- Right now I'm pretty sure I have most the drawings I thought were missing. It's hard to know, though. If I ever need help finding a particular old drawing, I'll be sure to post about it. Thanks for your help!
I'd buy a poster of these (we already have the one with the women of Star Trek. ;)
Oh my goodness!!! You've nailed the essence of each and every character.
Why didn't I know about you earlier? I'm a fan. <3
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